Katrice A. Albert, Ph.D.
Vice President for Institutional Diversity, University of Kentucky
Dr. Katrice A. Albert has a distinguished career in higher education, executive leadership development and coaching, and intercollegiate athletics. She currently serves as the Vice President for Institutional Diversity at the University of Kentucky. Prior to that, Albert served as the executive vice president of inclusion and human resources at The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Previously, Albert served as vice president for equity and diversity of the University of Minnesota system, and before that as vice provost for equity, diversity and community outreach at Louisiana State University (LSU).
Albert serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, and her works are published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology and the Journal of Counseling and Development. She is the co-editor of three volumes — “Reaching the chair: Transformational leadership lessons and impactful success factors of intercollegiate athletics’ leaders” (forthcoming), “Racial Battle Fatigue in Higher Education: Exposing the Myth of Post-Racial America” (2015) and “Trayvon Martin, Race, and American Justice: Writing Wrong” (2014).
Albert has repeatedly been recognized nationally for her efforts as an inclusion champion and subject matter expert. She is a highly sought-after scholar-practitioner that frequently writes, speaks, and consults on cultural intelligence and leadership integration, corporate social responsibility, educational and workforce access and equity, gender and dynamics of power, and community-university partnerships.
Albert earned a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from the Xavier University of Louisiana, a Master of science degree in counseling psychology from The University of Southern Mississippi and a doctoral degree in counseling psychology from Auburn University. Her clinical residency was earned at Boston University School of Medicine’s Center for Multicultural Training in Psychology.
Katrice A. Albert is a native of New Roads, Louisiana, in Pointe Coupée Parish.